Dawn McClure



  • Lost 15 lb. in 3 months

  • Falls asleep faster 

  • Better connection with food 

  • Got rid of pain!

Dawn McClure

I, like most women, have tried numerous diets to lose weight. I've taken medications to control pain & I've used sleep aids to help fall asleep. In May 2022, I finally had enough - I KNEW I needed to see a nutritionist.

Sarah, and her team, taught me the benefits of eating the right foods and keeping track of my daily fat, protein, and carb intake. Sarah educated me on the benefits of eating clean, organic, & grass-fed foods. In addition, I learned so much about Nutrition 101 and why you need a "system" to reach your goals.

I've lost 15lbs in 3 months, which was the goal Sarah and I set. My body feels SO much better and I not only fall asleep faster, but I stay asleep!

It is absolutely powerful when you learn how to make the connection between eating clean, losing weight, & ridding the body of constant pain.

I'm so very grateful to Sarah & Emily for their support, their encouragement, & their belief in me when I was doubtful.

Dawn McClure


Ruth McBride


Sonia Salinas